People and Technology, at the most important trade fairs around the world

Personas & Tecnología, en las ferias más importantes del mundo

Once again, this year we have been at the industry’s most important trade fair, Cevisama, which closed with a record number of 90,000 professional visitors, 9% higher than the previous year.

These numbers were also reflected in the number of visitors People and Technology received at its stand during the week in Valencia. There were more than 130 visitors from 28 different countries, 60% higher than the previous year.

There was great interest in our new Silksurface and Rodiflex products due to both the considerable improvement they offer to the current production process and their spectacular size, since both of them have been developed for the production of large format units. That partly explains the considerable increase in the size of our stand, which was 250 m2 this year and a real challenge for our team.

According to our sales manager, “Each year we receive more visitors interested in improving their products, which is something our machines offer them; plus, we make new contacts to help us enter new markets.”

Against this background, a few weeks later we were at Unicera Istambul, the main trade fair in Turkey, a strongly emerging country in the industry. We are currently preparing to attend Ceramics China, a country where we have major operations, for the sixth year in a row.

People and Technology has confirmed it will be attending Tecnargilla in September with a 120 m2 stand. This is the leading trade fair for ceramics industry machinery companies.

With the slogan, “QUID: Quality, Innovation and Development” we will have an outstanding presence at the world’s most important trade fairs this year.
