Personas&Tecnología has once again been present at the conferences organised by FuturePrint TECH, in Cambridge. November 6-8, 2024

Edgar Llop, head of the head cleaning area, has presented a fantastic presentation about what the new generations demand from the markets, in relation to the environmental sustainability of production processes, linked to the increasingly strict regulations that all administrations worldwide are taking in this regard.

Circular economy, reduction, reuse, recycling, and others like them, are the words that consumers currently demand from the markets for all manufactured products. From food to technology.

According to the latest surveys carried out, the so-called “Z” generation already puts the environment before the brand and also expects brands, as market prescribers, to lead this transition.

More and more people are demanding that each product that is marketed clearly indicates on its label the impact of the carbon footprint of said product, taking into account its entire cycle; from obtaining the raw materials for each of the by-products, its manufacture, logistics, advertising, and the entire cycle until it is put on sale.

In addition, this carbon footprint must also include the subsequent process, once the product has finished its life. And honestly, when you start to do these numbers, they are so extreme that it is difficult to assimilate them.

During this talk, Edgar explained the enormous reduction in the environmental impact that cleaning the heads could mean, in its different aspects; local cleaning, cleaning by third parties, preventive and palliative cleaning, etc.

We thank all those who attended this event for the spectacular reception that this presentation had.
