I TECHNICAL CONFERENCE People&Technology on NIR drying lamps

I Jornada Técnica Personas&Tecnología sobre lámparas de secado NIR

People&Technology has designed a cycle of Technical Conferences, which will take place over the next few years, holding 3 per year.

The objective is to bring all our clients closer to the emerging technologies related to the INKJET. The sessions will be held in person, with a duration of 1 day and will be divided into two parts; theoretical and practical.

The trainings will be given by the leading experts in each subject covered and will be free for all attendees, since they are totally created, managed and sponsored by People&Technology.

The first Technical Conference, held on January 19, 2022 in Onda (Castellón), dealt with the general theory of NIR drying lamps, applied to water-based inks.

The conference was given by Mr. Stefan Kessler from LAMBDA TECHNOLOGY company.

This event was attended by 40 people from different countries.

